About Me


While it may not always be comfortable, I believe the truth is how we best navigate life. While some in the health and nutrition field have ulterior motives and biases, my bias is to the truth.

I’ve been interested in nutrition for as long as I can remember. For the past 20+ years I’ve been researching and experimenting with just about every diet, supplement and food I’ve come across. I’ve tried vegetarianism, veganism, low-carb, zero-carb, fruitarianism, Atkins, keto, paleo, primal, The Zone diet, high-fat, low-fat, strictly adhering to the USDA food pyramid, low calorie diets… you name it. During each experiment I was very strict, diligent and took endless notes.

I could never quite connect all the dots on my own until I stumbled across the concept of the metabolism, biological energy in the form of ATP and how it is paramount to every aspect of true health. For that I have Dr. Ray Peat, Danny Roddy, Georgi Dinkov and many others to thank.

The information you will find here is a product of thousands of hours of research and experimentation.

I strongly encourage you to not just blindly trust anything you will read here. These opinions are my own. Experiment, research, gather your own notes and start to become your own expert. While I can offer guidance, no one will know yourself better than you. If something I say or recommend doesn’t work for you, then I recommend reevaluating the situation and trying a different approach. I believe the key to improving your own health and life is consistent determination and not giving up on improving despite the process being very frustrating at times.

The path to good health and becoming your own health expert is seldom a straight line forward, but I believe the journey is worth it.

Medical Disclaimer: The content and research provided by myself is for information and education purposes only. Individuals wishing to make changes to their health, lifestyle, exercise or medication regimens should do so in partnership and agreement with a medical professional. Anyone who chooses to apply what I provide here has to do so of their own their own power and their own risk. I cannot take responsibility or liability for any harm from the use or dissemination of information provided. Ultimately, your health is your own responsibility.