The Future of Nutrition

by ryan heeney / february 7th, 2024


There seems to be a growing group of rogue individuals who are figuring out the “puzzle” of healthy and nutrition and they're doing so quickly.

They are even funding their own legetimate studies with extremely impressive results. You can view a collection of my friend Georgi Dinkov’s collection of studies here which include some very exciting studies on diseases as serious as cancer:

Here is one specifically on cancer:

What makes this group rogue, is that they’re not bogged down by institutions. While institutions are by no means bad, they can be slow moving, bureaucratic, affected by inside politics, affected by the influence of money, etc.

Yes, institutions do provide many positives, like the extensive amount of education of the individuals behind them, the resources they can utilize and the extensive networks they provide. These are considerations that must be made as well.

Another caution about just finding any old nutrition guru on the internet is the high likelihood they might not know what they’re talking about. Yes, that evens means myself. Always be extremely skeptical of anything I say or write. If you hear my opinion out and it clicks (or doesn’t click) do your research and figure out if you agree. The power of discernment is valuable and not something that’s honed or talked about enough.

Something that’s been hugely beneficial I think is the open debates this group is having with one another. Debates in the “public square” are back and I think were desperately needed.

This new renegade group is small but growing. This group is capable of looking at the big picture, but are also able to understand intricacies and nuances. They know the literature, studies and have gone through the medical textbooks. They know their biochemistry, anthropology and evolutionary biology.  They are creative thinkers but also have an amazing capacity to remember thousands of different enzymes, hormones, chemicals, vitamins and minerals. They understand what each of these do, how they interact with each other, and how you can influence them within your own body. They can talk about an enzyme that's 12 syllables long, or talk in Layman's terms so that anyone listening can understand.  They seem impossibly smart, but are also very humble. 

Some have PhD's in nutrition (like researcher Kyle Mamounis) and biochemistry, and some don't. They are not bound by slow moving bureaucracy and their sole intent is finding the truth.  They don’t seem to be motivated by money, but simply have a passion for solving disease and solving the puzzle of health and nutrition, with a strong desire to help others. They will give you advice that is worth its weight in gold and will charge nothing.

This group of people is beginning to find each other. They're comparing notes, and getting results.  They are even putting their resources together and are beginning their own studies. Real studies. Studies that are being carried out by universities and labs which will be published in journals and are getting incredible results.

This group of renegades is also frustrated.

They are tired of the flip-flopping guidelines, slow-moving progress and at times total failure of the big institutions.

How did it get to this point? 

Financial influence from pharmaceutical companies in the medical industry, agricultural industry influence on the field of nutrition, red tape, lobbyists, interference from politicians that aren't familiar with nutrition (or science in general), greed and incompetence... just to name a few.

In short, money over truth.

But doesn't mainstream medicine do lots of good?

Without a doubt. The US and Western world have the very best emergency care. I wouldn't want to have an accident or illness requiring hospitalization anywhere else. Again, surgery here is unparalleled and in my opinion the specialty does absolutely amazing things and makes incredible progress innovation year after year.

Where mainstream medicine fails is prevention.

We are awesome at intervening when a problem has occurred (I know from recent personal experience), but I believe where we absolutely fall short is in preventing disease. This all began to solidify for me when I heard the FDA had reversed its stance on dietary cholesterol last year.

You can find the link here:

Screen Shot 2019-10-11 at 1.37.49 AM.png

Part of me was glad they finally came out with it, but the other part of me was thinking, “the online forums have known this for a decade”.

A little story if I can to illustrate this point… I used to always love omelettes, fried eggs, soft boiled eggs, etc. After my introduction to nutrition as a teen though, I "learned" dietary cholesterol was a major factor of heart disease. So unfortunately I put the frying pan away. 

After many years of avoiding the dietary cholesterol found in eggs (thinking it would someday give me an early heart attack) I stumbled upon some folks online that provided me with some solid research that showed it was surprisingly quite the opposite.  Almost a decade later I finally began having my morning omelette again only because I had seen what the National Institutes of Health (NIH) only now sees... that the science behind the fear of dietary cholesterol was totally bunk. 

This giant institution were years and years behind a few internet sleuths that had figured it out even in the early days of the internet.

That same group that had helped me figure out this truth back in 2012 is still going strong today.  It's not quite a static group of people—some faces are new, some have remained, some have even been at it before I was born, and some have been at it way, way before I was born (Dr. Peat received his PhD in biology in the 1950’s and at 84 years old he is still kind enough to reply to my emails).  But it's the central tenet that remains the same, "biological energy in the form of ATP is the key to health.

I believe this group of passionate truth-seekers are the true experts when it comes to disease prevention and this group is quickly growing.

A video I saw from one of these nutrition researchers was what inspired me to write this article. His name is Tim Berzins and I feel is someone who is on that path... the desire to find the truth. In this video of a very controversial, I think he does such an incredible job at putting together information in a way that anyone can understand. I highly recommend just starting the video, even if you decide to shut it off after a minute.

In this video he connects a lot of dots that I had never previously considered (like the concepts of abundance and scarcity in nature) and this made the concept of health that much more clear for me.

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